Monday, March 26, 2007

11-Mile Canyon

Took the monkeys for a ride up to 11-Mile Canyon yesterday. What a day! It was sunny and ultimately in the 60s, although we all needed jackets at the start of the day.

It had snowed up there Friday and Saturday - we got lots of rain here in the Springs, for which my lawn is extremely grateful. So there was a lot of the white stuff, but the road into the canyon was not in too bad of shape.

First, we went all the way up to the campground at the top of the canyon to hike. We climbed for almost an hour, finding our way onto an amazing rock table overlooking the South Platte river as it flows through 11-Mile Canyon. The sun was shining, there were a few puffy clouds and it was warm enough that we could take off our jackets while we made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and enjoyed.

The goofy dog is afraid of heights, we have discovered. Once we convinced him to come out where we were, he kind of curled up and whined for an hour. Scared of water and scared of heights. What a big fuzzy baby.

After we hiked down, which was a lot of fun, we went fishing! We find a sweet pool full of big trout, I got the boy going with his fly rod and the daughter picked her way upstream to cross and find a big rock to lay on in the sun while us guys fished. We caught bubkiss, but we enjoyed our day.

Finally came down off the mountain around 4:00 and had barbecue for dinner! Yay spring!

Of course, the wife has the camera in Seattle with her. Damn it. Just means we'll have to go back! YAY!