Wednesday, January 24, 2007


just ugh. I caught a stupid bug and have been miserable all week.

I felt so crappy Sunday I turned down Brownie's offer of a free ticket to see Stanton Moore.

I didn't run Monday, Tuesday at Jack Quinn's or today.

Crap. I am going to run tomorrow, damn it! Maybe I'll work out this stupid cold!

And I'm for starting the Kimchi movie night at Z's Friday - that way we can drink all his beer!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Up date on the Mum

She's completely healed - good enough that she's flying to Florida with Dad for a conference tomorrow morning!

YAY antibiotics.

We're all going to Arctic to get shitty tonight! Who's in?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Washington D.C.

Well, I never knew it, and although I didn't get to Hash, D.C. is a MAJOR hashing city! Just check out the sculptures from the National Sculpture Garden:

There was even a dancing hare, with a drum - I think the Kimchi needs a Hash Drum for circle, what do you guys think???

But of course, no visit would be complete unless I had the opportunity to see my Hash namesake:

I didn't even get a "thank you".

Next time I go to D.C., I will be sure to go find some wankers to run, er, drink with!!!!


Lick My Lincoln