Sunday, August 05, 2007


I've been contemplating selling the Truckie - my 1984 Toyota LandCruiser FJ60. I decided that the best way to advertise this awesome piece of Japanese engineering (NO sarcasm here - this truck ROCKS!!!) was to go get it dirty and take pictures of it in action.

We loaded up our goofy dog (he's talking to us here when we asked his if he wanted to go for a ride) and packed some lunch and headed for the hills.

First, we went up Gold Camp Road and ended up going through Bear Creek Park - some neat views there, none of which we remembered to take pictures of, but it was fun.

Then, we headed into Broadmoor and up Old Stage Road, where I knew there were some good jeep tracks.

It didn't take us long to find some killer trail, and I had Truckie in four and rarin' to go. The first obstacle was some washed out roads - light sand, very loose terrain and kind of a pain - except that I have some very good all-terrain tires and locking hubs, solid axles and four-low. First obstacle? No problem.

Notice the flex, how deep the tires reach and then think about this: this is the STOCK suspension. The clearance and amazing abilities of the LandCruiser frame would prove themselves several times during the drive.

This is amazing. No lift, nothing special. Stock 4x4. This truck will crawl a wall in four-low and not even break a sweat. It's straight-six engine is a dog on the highway - I'll be the first to admit that, but get into a four-wheeling situation, throw it into low and watch out! Torque is where it's at in this kind of situation and Truckie's got it! It handled trail other rigs couldn't, and we even stopped and helped get a Land Rover (cheap wannabe, if you ask me) out of a rough stick.

Here's the whole album - some nice scenery shots in there. This was a really fun afternoon, and all it cost was some fun and 1/4 tank of gas. And I got to embarrass a Land Rover driver with my old-ass Truckie!!!

1 comment:

brownie said...

I was on that road today on the way to Mt. Rosa. Didn't even think to drop into 4WD.