Monday, January 26, 2009

Um ... Yer kidding, right?

FLOTUS duds get backlash

Alright ... this is ridiculous. The first lady didn't wear clothing by a black designer so she's "snubbed the African American community?"

Give me a freakin' break! She wore clothing by non-caucasian designers - pointedly so - and SHE is black! OK? You're missing the freaking point here! It doesn't matter what the fuck she wore! SHE IS BLACK!!!

Someone shoot these morons, please?!!?!?!


brownie said...

Terrorists should assassinate them!

Impala Mama said...

I think the important question here is was the designer a Democrat or Republican?

Killa Guhrilla said...

I think the important question is WHY THE FUCK DO WE CARE?!!??!?! We finally have racial diversity in the White House - who gives a flying monkey turd what the First Lady wears?

brownie said...

By "racial diversity in the White House" you mean they let minorities mow the lawn and stuff like that, right? 'Cuz it'll be a cold day in hell before a non-whitey enters the great house in my country!

Killa Guhrilla said...

You should cut back on the PBR there, Brown Eye.