Friday, December 22, 2006

Lots happening in the Guhrilla kingdom

and forgive me (Catwoman) for not posting more religiously.

Here's the deal: about 2 months ago, my Mother, who lives in Alaska, told me she had to have a lump removed from her breast. It turned out not to be cancerous, which is great.

Monday, she told me she had to go to the emergency room; she has been diagnosed with cellulitis, a serious, potentially fatal bacterial infection.

Wednesday, the infection had doubled in size. The doctors put her on vicodin for the pain and put a port in her arm where they have been injecting major amounts of high-power antibiotics in her blood.

Today, the doctor told her she's got "galloping cellulitis" and they are opening her up surgically to irrigate the infection with antibiotics.

So, if you are religious, please pray for my Mother, Linda. This is a potentially life-threatening infection (but the doctors are NOT using that terminology).

On a much lighter note, please come the the Arctic Brewery's Christmas party tonight! It promises to be a drunk and debauched time for all!


Catwoman said...

I'm not religious but I'm sending get well soon vibes to your mum. I now feel bad about nagging you to update your blog. You've obviously had other things on your mind.

Have a great time at Arctic tonight.....

Impala Mama said...

She's in my prayers Lincoln