Saturday, December 23, 2006

Update on Mum ...

I talked with her for 20 minutes today, and I am much relieved. The doctors did not do surgery on her, instead they put in a drain and what amounts to a colostomy bag (yuck) and she has finally begun responding to the antibiotics.

In short, Mom is responding and recovering. The fever is gone, swelling and redness reduced and is looks like she'll be able to enjoy Christmas.

And my sister brought Mom and Dad two new kittens for Christmas. They've been tearing the house up - climbing the tree, unwrapping presents. In a way, as much as I wish that we were there visiting, I am glad we're not.

So, that's what's up now I need to rest some more before the beer mile!


Impala Mama said...

So glad to hear about your Mom! I hope she continues to do much better---that is a great Christmas gift, eh? Best of luck and my prayers are still with your family.
Hope yall had fun at the beer mile!

Catwoman said...

Glad to hear your mum is improving. I hope she makes afull recovery soon.