Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Big storm last night

It's weird. It doesn't usually rain like this and that thunderstorm we had last night was one for the record books! It lasted almost seven hours. My son told me he saw green lightning. I told him that it was just his imagination and I sent him back to bed.

I heard sirens in the distance around 2:00 am. Other than that, though, it is kind of strange how quiet it's been this morning. Sirens must have been responding to a lightning strike. Man! That was a hell of a storm.

One good thing? My asshole neighbor who usually fires up his big-block Chevy at 5:15 and wakes up the whole planet must have slept in - the thunder probably kept him awake last night. He didn't try to blow the ears off the birds this morning with his stupid glass packs and Holly four-barrel carb. Mother Nature's good for something.

Hrmm. Well, I have to head off to the office in a few, so I better suck down some more coffee. I'm a freakin' zombie until I get the first two or three cups down my gullet.

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