Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This is not good

I got in to the office with no problem - in fact, I parked
almost right next to the building. There's hardly anyone
here. It is bizarre. This place is usually packed - you
have to part way the hell out in BFE.

Those people who are here are absolutely FREAKING out.
But they won't stop long enough to say why.

One other strange thing. The Denver radio station I
usually listen to wasn't on the air this morning.
They're a major market station - 200,000 watts. I
tried tuning up and down the dial. All I could find
was an AM station with some raving lunatic yelling
that he was barricading himself inside the station.

The networks are not saying anything, either. I flipped
to CNN - they said the President was gearing up to make an
important announcement, but they aren't talking about what.

I think I'll go down to the Command Center and see why
everyone is in a tizzy. This is the United States'
homeland defense headquarters, after all, we can handle
whatever is going on! Maybe that storm caused more
damage than I thought. Hmm. I guess I better get ready
to write some press releases about military response.

Sigh. Some days, I just don't like the fact that I'm
wearing the uniform.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Listen man - get all the food, water, and if you can't get a damn gun a small pick axe might do (you cash them in the brains with it) and hole up somewhere. They will rot, but it takes time. Only the recently deceased can ambulate. Good luck. My parents saw this kinda thing back in the sixties here in Western Pennsylvania. We can beat them - I heard on short wave there's already hunting parties out around here taking out these chowder heads. Hope where you're at allows red necks to own guns.