Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 11 (thanks C-4!!!!)

This morning, I woke up at 5, looked at my alarm with one eyeball, cursed it for it's damned efficiency and went back to sleep, only to re-awaking at 7, completely ready to begin my day.

I don't even know why I set my alarm. I just did. Weird.

Sunrise International was Stonehenge this morning. Eerie. I think maybe I saw a druid in the first minutes of the video.

Physical therapy went very, very well this morning. I still have a slight twinge in my shoulder when I pull my arm straight up while laying on my back, but the physical therapist did explain that, as this was the spot where they had separated some muscle in order to shave bone and arthritis off of my clavicle, this would be the last thing to heal. It's healing though!

C-4, seriously, if you want to spend a little time pulling the dash apart to design the stereo housing, just let me know. I bet there's even some Fat Tire in the fridge, isn't there?

1 comment:

Impala Mama said...

There is always Fat Tire in the fridge here, silly! And because of your extended 'leave' you can abide by Net's schedule of drinking a.m. or p.m. or really, whenever the hell you want. Chorizo, eggs, and corn whiskey for breakfast perhaps?? I am trying to finish up some house projects today and tomorrow...but I would love to have you up soon, so we will work something out, ok?