Sunday, March 09, 2008

Days 8 & morning of 9

Well, I spent Saturday, day 8, first with my physical therapy, and then, after dropping the boy at the bowling alley, with a six-mile long walk. It was good to get out, get some sun, walk, sweat and enjoy the Colorado outdoors, which is insane. On the way out, sunny, warm. On the way back, clouds, wind and cold. This freaking state can't make up its mind.

Then, I got to go to the anniversary sale and show at my favorite fly-fishing shop out on 24. They had a huge sale, 20% off of Fishpond fishing vests. I got one of these and one of these for an insanely little amount of money. And I got to see some killer fly-tying, sign a petition to protect Colorado's streams and meet some great fishermen.

You have no idea how deeply it sucks to know it's going to be at least another month and a half or two before I can cast a fly-line.

But I think I need to break out my tying gear and start building my arsenal for this summer's trout season.


Impala Mama said...

Sounds like an almost perfect Sunday! (Perfect would have, of course, invovled you trying out all your new equipment!)
How much longer are you off for?
Did you find the nurse who will tie you up yet?

Killa Guhrilla said...

No, no, C-4 - you have it all backwards! I do the tying!

I need to do some fly tying, that's for sure, or I'm not going to have anything to fish with this summer.

I am off for the entire month - which is heavenly, let me tell you.

We should get together and bang on your car with hammers.

Impala Mama said...

You know, while I was doing dishes this morning I realized I had the tie up thing all backwards--and I felt really bad for the mix up! Was bugging me throught the day, actually, which probably means I need way more to think about. We should definitely bang on the car with hammers. You understand.